Shop Organization Services

Welcome to the Organization Services page!

We’re pleased to offer a range of services designed to support arts organizations in their growth and success. Here, you’ll find service options in areas such as bookkeeping, grant writing, social media strategies, and more. Keep an eye on this space, as we’ll be adding more valuable resources and new services soon.

Please note: You will need an Arts BC membership in order to access the services. You can learn more about our memberships here.

Interested in ongoing bookkeeping services? Before adding an item to your cart, estimate your rate by clicking the button below.


  • Follow the prompt to sign in with your Arts BC membership.
  • View details about a service by clicking on the image.
  • Click on “Add” to add the service to your cart.
  • Remember to check out when you are done.

Once you check out, you will receive a receipt and welcome email from the Shared Services team.

If you have any questions, or if you don’t receive a receipt and/or welcome email, please email [email protected].


By participating in the Arts BC Shared Services program, you agree to the program Terms & Conditions

Arts BC gratefully acknowledges the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

Have Questions?

Are you interested in learning more or have questions about our Shared Services program? Email us at [email protected] or give us a call at +1-778-410-5104.
