Essential resources for anyone in arts & culture.
Key Resources
Welcome to our Resource Library. We have compiled below key links and resources we’ve found to be helpful for anyone working in the arts and culture sector. To find what you’re looking for more quickly, simply click on one of the topic links to jump to a list of recommended resources.
- COVID-19
- Advocacy Research & Statistics
- Charity & Non-Profit
- Contacting your MP
- Equity, Decolonization & Anti-Racism
- Government & Agency
- Legal & Finance
- Technology
- Other Useful Links
Toolkits or Funding Resources?
Looking for resources on funding or dedicated community arts toolkits? Please visit our Grants & Funding page for all things funding-related. For more guided resources on topics such as community art, cultural planning, and advocacy, please visit our Toolkits page.
COVID-19 Resources
In response to the ongoing conditions of the pandemic, we’ve created a dedicated list of resources we think are relevant for anyone in the arts and culture community. Below is a breakdown of some key links and resources pulled directly from our Arts BC COVID-19 Resource Package (pdf).
For Arts Organizations
- Government of Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan
- Government of Canada- CEWS
- CEWS Calculator to Determine Eligibility
- Canadian Arts And Culture Sector Support Program ($500 Million)
- Emergency Community Support Fund Program ($350 Million)
- Department of Canadian Heritage FAQ
- Canada Council for the Arts FAQ
- Digital Originals Micro Innovation Grants Canada Council for the Arts
- BC Arts Council COVID-19 FAQ and Funding Updates
- Creative BC COVID-19 Updates for Creative Industries
- Government of British Columbia Provincial Support
- Small Business BC (for creative entrepreneurs and artists)
- Tool for Risk Assessment of mass gatherings during the pandemic crisis
For Artists and Cultural Workers
Additional Support
Advocacy Research & Statistics
Charity & Non-Profit
Contacting your MP
Equity, Decolonization & Anti-Racism
- Ambit Gender Diversity Consulting
- Bakau Consulting (formerly Cicely Blain Consulting)
- CARFAC Indigenous Protocols for the Visual Arts
- HeritageBC: Setting the Bar, a Guide to Achieve New Standards for Reconciliation Within the Heritage Sector
- ImagineNative: On Screen Protocols & Pathways, a Media Production Guide to Working with First Nations, Métis and Inuit Communities, Cultures, Concepts and Stories
- Nahanee Creative
- Rural Arts Inclusion Lab
Government & Agency
- Parliamentary Website
- Government of Canada
- Department of Canadian Heritage
- Elections Canada
- Canada Council for the Arts
- National Film Board of Canada
- Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
- Radio Canada
- BC Arts Council
- BC Touring Council
- Creative BC
- Telefilm Canada
Legal & Finance
- Pacific Legal Education and Outreach Society
- Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner for BC: Guidance Documents
- Guide to BC’s Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) for Businesses and Organizations
- Imagine Canada: Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL)
- Wallace Foundation: Resources for Financial Management
Other Useful Links
- Working with Consultants
- Americans for the Arts
- Arts Council of England
- Arts News Canada
- CADA West (Canadian Alliance of Dance Artists/West Chapter)
- Council of Canadians
- First Peoples’ Cultural Council
- Imagine Canada
- Le Mouvement pour les Arts et les Lettres
- Arts Starts
- Business / Arts
- Creative City Network of Canada
Have Questions?
Having trouble finding something? We’d be happy to help direct you to other resources, simply email us at or give us a call at +1-778-410-5104.