Essential resources for anyone in arts & culture.

Key Resources

Welcome to our Resource Library. We have compiled below key links and resources we’ve found to be helpful for anyone working in the arts and culture sector. To find what you’re looking for more quickly, simply click on one of the topic links to jump to a list of recommended resources.

Toolkits or Funding Resources?

Looking for resources on funding or dedicated community arts toolkits? Please visit our Grants & Funding page for all things funding-related. For more guided resources on topics such as community art, cultural planning, and advocacy, please visit our Toolkits page.

Advocacy Research & Statistics

Charity & Non-Profit

Contacting your MP

Equity, Decolonization & Anti-Racism

Government & Agency


Other Useful Links

Have Questions?

Having trouble finding something? We’d be happy to help direct you to other resources, simply email us at or give us a call at +1-778-410-5104.
