Key Practices and Standards
Code of Conduct Overview
The Code of Conduct does not replace or change Arts BC’s policies, practices or collective agreements. The Code gives an overview of the key practices and behaviours that define the standards of acceptable conduct to which we hold ourselves accountable as a community.
The activities outlined below are strictly prohibited. The board shall have the authority to expel any Arts BC member, in its sole absolute discretion for any violation of this Code, on any one or more of the following grounds:
Racism, misogyny, sexism, ableism, classism, cultural appropriation, homophobia, transphobia, microagressions and all other forms of discrimination and oppression, spoken, written, printed, or worn. This includes but is not limited to: failure to be inclusive, cooperate or treat others equally with respect and fairness regardless of one’s status; addressing individuals in a diminutive, derogative, or malicious way based on their gender, race, ability, language, class, religion, sexual orientation or gender identity;
Abusive language, discourtesy or rudeness towards any individual who conducts work on Arts BC’s behalf; including board members, contractors, volunteers or other team members;
Verbal, physical or visual harassment of another individual;
Bullying or taking unfair advantage of any individual;
Actual or threatened violence toward any individual or group;
All members of the Arts BC community are asked to communicate any complaints, problems or breaches of this Code of Conduct to: [email protected] or [email protected].
Basis of Unity
Basis of Unity: Strategies for Arts BC’s role towards a more equitable sector
The Basis of Unity is intended to affirm and guide Arts BC in its role in creating a more equitable arts/culture/heritage sector in BC and beyond. This work is evolving and ongoing, as we identify and address systemic inequities and barriers within our own work and the sector at large.
Arts BC recognizes the many forms of systemic oppression that continue to function within the arts/culture/heritage sector. This oppression is intersectional and complex; and plays out in overt and covert ways through individual interactions; organizational policies, practices, structures, and governance; distribution of funding and opportunities; and more.
Arts BC understands equity as critical to the sector; our work and mission; and the health of our organization and the arts communities we serve.
Arts BC acknowledges the role of the Arts Service sector to influence and advocate for systems change. We understand this work as a shared responsibility and opportunity to work together towards sustained change.
Arts BC acknowledges that good intention is not enough; anti-oppressive practice requires individuals to commit to ongoing learning and awareness of the systems and dynamics which disempower some and privilege others.
Arts BC also recognizes the need for organizational commitments beyond individual learning and awareness and is committed to the ongoing process of self-critical adaptation, embodying principles of equity in our work, and supporting our membership and communities to do the same.
To fulfill our role in this work, Arts BC strives to:
- Undertake our work through an equity lens; embody principles of equity in all areas including programming, hiring, partnerships, governance, budgeting, leadership, etc.
- Prioritize people and relationships: lead with respect and integrity; redistribute power; collaborate; and support others.
- Practice and encourage transparency, including acknowledging and addressing missteps/harm/negligence and implementing lessons learned in tangible ways.
- Advocate for public policy that promotes equity. Challenge systems and policies that create inequity, oppression and disparity.
Arts BC abides by the following action items:
- Prioritize equity in all ways that are operationally feasible.
- Use a 50/30 framework (minimum 50% women and gender diverse, minimum 30% of other under-represented groups) to guide hiring, programming, and board recruitment (strive to maintain 50/30 minimum for leadership, full team, contractors, presenters, etc).
- Pursue cultural competency throughout our organization by creating substantive learning opportunities and formal, transparent policies.
- Identify and dismantle any inequities within our policies, systems, programs, and services, and continually update and report organization progress.
- Commit time and resources to expand and support diverse leadership within our board, team, committee, and advisory bodies.
- Continue to provide equity-focussed programming and training to support sector-wide learning.
- Pool resources and increase impact by collaborating with value-aligned peers.
To ensure accountability, Arts BC will:
- Publish this Basis of Unity and related policies on our website.
- Dedicate board time throughout the year to monitor how operations reflect our values and equity commitments as laid out in our policies, strategic plan, operational plan, and other relevant documents.
- Review this and related equity policies annually.

Our History
Interested in learning more about our history and how we came to be? Explore Arts BC’s timeline to revisit some of our key milestones over the past 40 years. View our timeline.